Happy birthday, Norway!

Last night I watched Eurovision Song Contest from my hotel in Stockholm and cheered on Alexander Rybak and his crew! What a fantastic event to start the national holiday by winning!!! I didn’t think that I would so much miss being in Norway. Thanks to the internet connection, I have possibility to take part in the celebration!

These days I am attending a course with Liora Bresler and other (Swedish) students. We have been discussing writing about lived experience in qualitative research, and different points of view. I am trying to imagine how it is to be my son today … trying to “recall his memories” through some old images I want to share with you. I wonder if it is possible (through some kind of empathic approach) to “re-experience” the lived experience of others - ?
They say that 17-th of May is children’s holiday! The day starts watching processions, or walking (in this case sitting in a carriage) in a school procession.

Children are supposed to look neat and tidy, and during the day get green grass-stains on their knees, sticky ice cream spots all over their body and wet hair, and have fun! And the weather is supposed to be very nice, sunny and warm, so that the children wouldn’t freeze after they have splashed water over each other. Joy and fun have to colour everything children do on this day! Enjoy the day!
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