We have all seen pictures of a fantastic castle flowing in clouds, surrounded by fireworks!? I’ve just seen it for real, and I’ve experienced the Disneyland (in Los Angeles) with all of my senses: a sweet smell of syrup, unusual taste of a frozen banana, texture of a yellowish retro-decorated napkin, and sounds of old-fashioned music accompanied with the noise form crowded streets and the old-fashioned cars.

Apart form choosing to travel with an old car, one could choose between different kinds of high speed entertainment facilities which could give you un unique 3D (or even 4D) experience of insecurity and fear, either you are afraid of height or of crashing your space ship into a planet.
All kinds of entertainment (for more or less money) were there to surpass children’s expectations, but this special atmosphere also seems to waken adult’s playfulness – or at least made their ears grow large and round…

And when the evening comes, there is even more to bee seen: thousands of small coloured bulbs light up in the dark, shaping large three-dimensional fairytale characters (and the American eagle) in a parade accompanied by music and followed by fireworks - every night!
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