Even though I do not write here as frequently as I wish to, it is amazing how keeping a blog in itself motivates my attentiveness and in deepens my curiosity. Knowing that many things around me might qualify for a post, actually makes me look for possible themes, observations and reflections I could write about. It sharpens my attention.

Writing in English (my third language) has been challenging and instructive, and when I decided to publish something in Norwegian (my second language) I fell like that was going to be really easy. But it is not. Writing in another language also means that audience will be different and this requires considering more than translating the words. A part for the column writing I’ve been busy with writing a textbook on the basis of my dissertation. The dissertation was written in English and the textbook in Norwegian, and there are many other considerable differences between the two. I get a bit impatient when I spend too much time at the same page – especially when I realized that the book is already on sale! Look here: http://www.universitetsforlaget.no/boker/boker_som_kommer/katalog?productId=70380756 A translation of the title would sound like this: “Grasping with Body: Children’s experiences as basic for all learning”. So, you should know what I am up to if I don’t show up at this blog so often…